I can do this when I can: Write a story with a character, setting and a plot and use interesting words.
Teacher comment: Your next step is to add more detail to your writing.
I am learning to: complete a dance
I can do this when I can: keep in time and remember the dance moves
My next step is to: keep practicing and keep in time.
I am learning to say my mihi.
I can do this when I can use simple sentences to tell others about myself and speak clearly.
My next step is to keep practicing my mihi and say it slower.
We read a book called 'The Cat in the Hat' by Dr Seuss. We used
our Green Thinking Hat to write a creative story about what would happen
if Thing 1 & Thing 2 (characters from the book) came to our house.
We are learning to:
Use the Green Thinking Hat (creativity) to write a story.
We can do this when we can:
-Write a story that keeps the reader interested.
-Write in detail.
-Use interesting words.
-Publish our work carefully.
Student Reflection:
Something I did well: Publish my work carefully.
My next step: Add more detail to my writing.